Wind Speed Converter
Our free Wind Speed Converter allows you to quickly convert between different wind-speed measurement units (knots, miles per hour, kilometers per hour, meters per second, Beaufort).
How to use the converter
- Enter the wind speed and select the unit of measurement from the drop-down list
- Click the "Convert" button to see the results.
Conversion Formulas
The wind speed converter uses the following conversion formulas:
Wind (kts) = 0.8689762 × Wind (mph)
Wind (kts) = 0.5399568 × Wind (km/h)
Wind (kts) = 1.9438445 × Wind (m/s)
Wind (mph) = 0.621371 × Wind (km/h)
Wind (mph) = 2.236937 × Wind (m/s)
Wind (mph) = 1.15077945 × Wind (kts)
Wind (km/h) = 1.609344 × Wind (mph)
Wind (km/h) = 3.6 × Wind (m/s)
Wind (km/h) = 1.852 × Wind (kts)
Wind (m/s) = 0.44704 × Wind (mph)
Wind (m/s) = 0.2777778 × Wind (km/h)
Wind (m/s) = 0.5144444 × Wind (kts)
Wind (kts) is the wind speed in knots,
Wind (mph) is the wind speed in miles per hour,
Wind (km/h) is the wind speed in kilometers per hour,
Wind (m/s) is the wind speed in meters per second.
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