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Distance Converter
Nowadays in different countries, we use different distance measurements and that is why sometimes we need to convert our values into distinct ones. Our amazing distance converter saves you valuable time because with this tool, you do not have to calculate distances on your own. Read the following instructions and be ready for making conversions with the help of our calculator.
- Enter the distance value you want to convert.
- Select the known unit of measure for distance.
- Then, the distance calculator converts your value to all other distance measurements.
Distance Conversion Results
1 Metre is equal to:
Metric Distances | |
Unit | Result |
Kilometre (km) | 0.001 |
Metre (m) | 1 |
Decimetre (dm) | 10 |
Centimetre (cm) | 100 |
Millimetre (mm) | 1000 |
Micron (µ) | 1000000 |
Nanometre (nm) | 1000000000 |
Angstrom (Å) | 10000000000 |
Picometres (pm) | 1000000000000 |
Imperial Distances | |
Unit | Result |
League | 0.0002071 |
Land Mile | 0.0006214 |
Skein | 0.009113 |
Bolt | 0.02734 |
Shackle | 0.03645 |
Furlong | 0.004971 |
Chain | 0.04971 |
Rope | 0.164 |
Perch | 0.1988 |
Goad | 0.7291 |
Ell | 0.8749 |
Yard (yd) | 1.094 |
Pace | 1.312 |
Cubit (cu) | 2.187 |
Foot (ft) | 3.281 |
Nail | 4.374 |
Shaftment | 6.562 |
Hand | 9.843 |
Inch (in) | 39.37 |
Finger | 44.99 |
Digit | 52.49 |
Barleycorn | 118.1 |
Button | 472.4 |
Calibre | 3937 |
Mil (mil) | 39370 |
Microinch | 39370000 |
Space and Light Distances | |
Unit | Result |
Red shift (z) | 1.303e+27 |
Parsec (pc) | 30860000000000000 |
Light-year (l.y.) | 9460730472580800 |
Light-day | 25902068371200 |
Light-hour | 1079252848800 |
Light-minute | 17987547480 |
Light-second | 299792458 |
Nautical Distances | |
Unit | Result |
Nautical League | 0.00018 |
Nautical Mile | 0.00054 |
Cable | 0.004557 |
Fathom | 0.5468 |
Admiralty Mile | 0.0005396 |
Admiralty cable length | 0.005396 |
Surveyors Distances | |
Unit | Result |
Furlong | 0.004971 |
Ramsden's (engineers') chain (ch) | 0.03281 |
Gunter's (surveyors') chain (ch) | 0.04971 |
Gurley's chain (ch) | 0.09942 |
Gunter's (surveyors') pole | 0.1988 |
Gunter's (surveyors') foot (ft) | 3.281 |
Gurley's link | 4.971 |
Try out our Steps to Miles Calculator to convert your steps to miles or kilometres.