Average Price Calculator

You can use this average price calculator to quickly and easily determine the average price of cryptocurrency and stock purchases.

The calculator automatically saves any calculations you generate and allows you to maintain a history of activity as you switch between the cryptocurrency and stock modes.


Total Units
Total Amount
Average Price

How to Use the Average Price Calculator

You can calculate the average price of your stock or crypto purchases using the following steps:

  1. Select which type of asset you wish to calculate the average price for (crypto or stock)
  2. Input the number of units of the stock or crypto and the price per unit
  3. Add as many input fields as you require using the "+Add" button
  4. Amend the decimal places as required (0-8 digits)
  5. The calculator will automatically update the output in line with the values you enter.

Average Price Formula

This average price calculator uses the following formulas to calculate the average price of stocks or crypto:

Average Price = Total Amount ÷ Total Units

Total Amount = Σ(Price per Unit × Number of Units)

Total Units = Σ(Number of Units)

Where Σ is the summation symbol.

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