Fuel Economy Calculator

Our easy-to-use calculator allows you to determine a car's fuel economy using just two figures: the amount of fuel consumed during a journey and the distance of this trip.

To use the calculator, simply enter the distance you traveled and the amount of fuel you used to get from your origin to your destination and click the "Calculate" button. You will then receive an estimation of the average fuel economy.

Fuel Economy Calculator | MPG Calculator

Fuel Economy:

How your fuel economy is calculated

Fuel economy is represented as the ratio of distance to fuel consumed. Where the imperial system of units is used, fuel economy measurements are given in MPG (miles per gallon). Where metric units are used, fuel economy measurements are given in either KPL or KMPL (kilometers per liter). A higher fuel economy ratio indicates a more fuel-efficient vehicle.

In some nations, fuel consumption rather than fuel economy is used to measure the fuel efficiency of a vehicle. Measured as L/100km (liters per 100 kilometers), fuel consumption measurements express how much fuel is consumed over a certain distance while fuel economy expresses how far a car can go on a certain amount of fuel. Consequently, a lower fuel consumption ratio indicates a more fuel-efficient vehicle. If you have calculated the KMPL of your car, just divide the number 100 by the KMPL figure to determine your car's fuel consumption.

Both fuel economy and consumption can be easily calculated if you know how far you have traveled and much fuel you used to travel this distance. You will get a more accurate result if you fill up your tank before you set off. Make sure your odometer is set to '0' and drive as you normally would. Then, when you feel you have driven far enough, go to a gas station, take note of how far you have traveled, and fill your tank once more, recording how much gas is required to get a full tank.

To calculate MPG, the following equation is used:

MPG = D / F

where 'D' or distance is in miles and 'F' or fuel is in gallons.

To calculate KMPL, the following equation is used:

KMPL = D / F

where 'D' or distance is in kilometers and 'F' or fuel is in liters.

If you want to convert MPG as measured in US gallons into KMPL, the following equations are used:

MPG = 2.352145836 × KMPL

KMPL = 0.425143707 × MPG

If you want to convert MPG as measured in imperial gallons into KMPL, the following equations are used:

MPG = 2.824810534 × KMPL

KMPL = 0.35400604 × MPG

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