Wind Chill Calculator

The wind chill temperature is a measure of how cold it really feels outside based on the air temperature and wind speed.

How to use this calculator

  1. Select the wind speed unit between mph, km/h, m/s, ft/s, knots
  2. Enter the wind speed
  3. Choose the temperature unit between degrees Fahrenheit, degrees Celsius, or Kelvin
  4. Enter the air temperature and click the "Calculate" button to estimate the wind chill temperature.
Wind Chill Calculator

Wind Chill Calculator Results
 Fahrenheit (°F)Celsius (°C)Kelvin (K)
Estimated Wind Chill Temperature: ---

Wind Chill Chart

Temperature (°F)Wind Speed (mph)
40 36 34 32 30 29 28 28 27 26
35 31 27 25 24 23 22 21 20 19
30 25 21 19 17 16 15 14 13 12
25 19 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 5
20 13 9 6 4 3 1 0 -1 -2
15 7 3 0 -2 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9
10 1 -4 -7 -9 -11 -12 -14 -15 -16
5 -5 -10 -13 -15 -17 -19 -21 -22 -23
0 -11 -16 -19 -22 -24 -26 -27 -29 -30
-5 -16 -22 -26 -29 -31 -33 -34 -36 -37
-10 -22 -28 -32 -35 -37 -39 -41 -43 -44
-15 -28 -35 -39 -42 -44 -46 -48 -50 -51
-20 -34 -41 -45 -48 -51 -53 -55 -57 -58
-25 -40 -47 -51 -55 -58 -60 -62 -64 -65
-30 -46 -53 -58 -61 -64 -67 -69 -71 -72
-35 -52 -59 -64 -68 -71 -73 -76 -78 -79
-40 -57 -66 -71 -74 -78 -80 -82 -84 -86
-45 -63 -72 -77 -81 -84 -87 -89 -91 -93
Frostbite Times: 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes

Wind Chill Formula

The Wind Chill Calculator uses the following formulas to calculate the wind chill factor:

WC (Wind Chill, °F) = 35.74 + 0.6215 × T - 35.75 × V 0.16 + 0.4275 × T × V 0.16


V is the wind speed in miles per hour (mph),

T is the air temperature in Fahrenheit (°F).


Wind (mph) = 0.621371 × Wind (km/h)

Wind (mph) = 2.23694 × Wind (m/s)

Wind (mph) = 0.681818 × Wind (ft/s)

Wind (mph) = 1.15077945 × Wind (kts)


Wind (mph) is the wind speed in miles per hour,

Wind (km/h) is the wind speed in kilometers per hour,

Wind (m/s) is the wind speed in meters per second,

Wind (ft/s) is the wind speed in feet per second,

Wind (kts) is the wind speed in knots.


TF = 1.8 × TC + 32

TF = 1.8 × (TK - 273.15) + 32

TC = 0.55556 × (TF - 32)

TK = ( 0.55556 × (TF - 32) ) + 273.15


TF is temperature in Fahrenheit,

TC is temperature in Celsius,

TK is temperature in Kelvin.


Example: If the outside temperature is 5°F and the wind speed is 30 mph, the wind chill temperature is:

WC (Wind Chill, °F) = 35.74 + (.6215 × 5) - (35.75 × 30 0.16) + (.4275 × 5 × 30 0.16)

Wind Chill = 35.74 + (.6215 × 5) - (35.75 × 1.723) + (.4275 × 5 × 1.723)

Wind Chill = 38.847 - 61.597 + 3.683 = -19.066 degrees Fahrenheit.

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