College Cost Calculator

How much will college cost? Use this free College Cost Calculator to estimate how much college will cost when you or your student is ready to enroll.

Using the College Cost Calculator is simple.

  • First, select the age of the student you are saving for.
  • Next, select the type of college from the "College type" drop down menu.
  • Then, select a "College Cost Inflation Rate". We recommend using a 6% inflation rate, as college costs typically increase in the 5-8% range for many years.
  • After that, select a "Calculation type" from the drop down menu.
  • Finally, select the number of years your student is planning to attend, and click the "Calculate" button.
  • Take a look at the results of your College Cost calculation below.

Figures based on national averages. Source: College Board's Trends in College Pricing 2023 ( )


Average Published Charges for Full-Time Undergraduates by Sector, 2023-2024
In-State Community In-State Public Out-of-State Public Private College
Tuition and Fees $3,990 $11,260 $29,150 $41,540
Tuition and Fees & Room and Board $13,960 $24,030 $41,920 $56,190

You may also like to try our Student Loan Repayment Calculator to estimate your student loan repayments.

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