Body Fat Calculator

Use our calculator to estimate the body fat percentage of your body, using nothing but a tape measure and your keyboard. The calculator uses a basic formula developed by the U.S. Navy to calculate body fat percentage.

In order to find out your body fat, you will be required to enter three measurements into our calculator. The information required is:

  • Your height, in inches/centimeters
  • The circumference of your waist, in inches/centimeters
  • The circumference of your neck, in inches/centimeters

Once you have entered the necessary information, simply click the "Calculate" button and you will see the results below.

A certain amount of body fat is required for your body to perform healthily. If your body fat percentage is above or below that amount, you might want to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation. Our calculator will tell you whether or not your body fat average is healthy or not.

You might also want to use our Weight Loss Percentage Calculator and WHR Calculator (Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator)

Body Fat Percentage (BFP) Formula

The Body Fat Calculator uses the following formulas to calculate the body fat percentage:

1. Imperial Units:

Male: BFP = 86.01 * [log10(A − N)] − 70.041 * [log10(H)] + 36.76

Female: BFP = 163.205 * [log10(W + C − N)] − 97.684 * [log10(H)] − 78.387

Where: BFP = Body Fat Percentage, A = Abdomen [in], C = Hip Circumference [in], H = Height [in], N = Neck [in], W = Waist [in]

2. Metric Units:

Male: BFP = 495 / ( 1.0324 − 0.19077 * [log10(W − N)] + 0.15456 * [log10(H)] ) − 450

Female: BFP = 495 / ( 1.29579 − 0.35004 * [log10(W + C − N)] + 0.221 * [log10(H)] ) − 450

Where: BFP = Body Fat Percentage, A = Abdomen [cm], C = Hip Circumference [cm], H = Height [cm], N = Neck [cm], W = Waist [cm]


1. Hodgdon JA, Beckett MB: Prediction of Percent Body Fat for U.S. Navy Women From Body Circumferences and Height. San Diego, (CA): Naval Health Research Center; 1984a. Report No. 84-29.

2. Hodgdon JA, Beckett MB: Prediction of Percent Body Fat for U.S. Navy Men From Body Circumferences and Height. San Diego, (CA): Naval Health Research Center; 1984b. Report No. 84-11.

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